This page is presented with the most recent activity at the top.
The one i started with are at the bottom...
Oct-12-2012 :: Been working on my fitness. Every of the last weekends about 3 hours running, and 50M riding, plus running mid-week, plus martial arts.
Getting back into shape and my WS100 weight (170lbs).
Sep-21-2012 :: Got the three books in the mail today. Yay!! now starting to really go over the material.
(Click on image to see larger picture)
Sep-17-2012 :: Wikipedia (ofcourse): Link.
"The walking course is approximately 1,200 km long and can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days to complete.".
30Miles/day = 48km==> approx. 1,200/50 = 24days. 20Miles/day==>36days.
Sep-08-2012 :: Talked (=email) with Leo Eaton, .
Very interesting story. We'll see where it goes.
Sep-07-2012 :: Dropped an email to "David Moreton" david.c.moreton at . (see website below). Got reply and bought the 3-book set:
(from your page: )
"3 book set: Route Guide, A Journey, Visiting the Sacred Sites :: 5500 yen.
Add 100yen if you would like a poster-size map of the Shikoku pilgrimage"
Sep-07-2012 :: There's a forum for discussion. i didn't sign up yet.. link
When to go:: Summer - it's a hot time to go. It will be imperative that you carry a light pack and only a few clothes.
March? This is the classic pilgrimage season. Walking in April is good, a bit rainier yet - this is a cooler month than July, August. September and October - the temperatures will be cooler and perhaps not as rainy.
It's a more pleasant walk when you are not sweating all the time.
Walking in parts :: Walking in parts is a certain an acceptable idea.
I met many Japanese pilgrims who walked only during long holiday weekends.
In fact, I met one Japanese couple who was finishing the pilgrimage after four years of effort. That's dedication.
I recommend that you buy the English version of the walking map.
I also think you should look for David Turkington's webpage - that might be helpful as well.
The first 23 temples will take about a week. It is perhaps the best part of the pilgrimage in terms of variety of terrain.
The next two prefectures include long, long walks which 1) will take a lot of time or 2) can be covered by a bus.
We can discuss this later.