1 | {-
2 |
3 | Pearl 4: Selection problem
4 |
5 | Definitions:
6 | X and Y two finite disjoint sets, sorted.
7 |
8 | Problem:
9 | Find the k-smallest elemnt in the set (X union Y)
10 |
11 | Solution:
12 | You can do it of course in linear time O(K).
13 | But it turns out you can do faster by divide and conquer.
14 | The trick is to do the merge-decisions in the right way.
15 |
16 | We then also use arrays rather than lists, to get efficency in time.
17 |
18 | <== And this is where it seems the book messed up on indices. Corrected in my code.
19 |
20 | I left all the debugging and printing in there, so one can see the equivalence between
21 | Array-indices and Lists.
22 |
23 | -}
24 | module P4 where
25 |
26 | import Data.Array (Array, listArray, bounds, (!))
27 | import Debug.Trace
28 |
29 | -- Test function(s)
30 | {-
31 | x = [7,14..28]
32 | y = [5,10..35]
33 | k = 4
34 | -}
35 | y = [7,14..28]
36 | x = [5,10..35]
37 | --k = 4
38 | k = 7
39 |
40 | xa = listArray (0,length x-1) x
41 | ya = listArray (0,length y-1) y
42 |
43 | -- Brute force
44 | -- Requires (z+1)^2 evaluations of f
45 | smallest1 :: Ord a => Int -> ([a],[a]) -> a
46 | smallest1 k (xs,ys) = union (xs,ys) !!k
47 |
48 | union (xs,[]) = xs
49 | union ([],ys) = ys
50 | union (x:xs,y:ys) | x < y = x : union(xs,y:ys)
51 | | x > y = y : union(x:xs,ys)
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | -- Divide and Conquer
56 | smallest2 k ([],ws) = ws !! k
57 | smallest2 k (zs,[]) = zs !! k
58 | smallest2 k (zs,ws) =
59 | trace ("zs=" ++ show zs ++
60 | " and ws=" ++ show ws ++
61 | " and k=" ++ show k ++ "\n" ++
62 | " and (p,q)=" ++ show (p,q) ++
63 | "and (a,b)=" ++ show(a,b) )$
64 | case (a < b, k <= p+q) of
65 | (True,True) -> trace "--> (1)" $ smallest2 k (zs,us)
66 | (True,False) -> trace "--> (2)" $ smallest2 (k-p-1) (ys,ws)
67 | (False,True) -> trace "--> (3)" $ smallest2 k (xs,ws)
68 | (False,False) -> trace "--> (4)" $ smallest2 (k-q-1) (zs,vs)
69 | where
70 | p = (length zs) `div` 2
71 | q = (length ws) `div` 2
72 | (xs,a:ys) = splitAt p zs
73 | (us,b:vs) = splitAt q ws
74 |
75 |
76 | -- Divide and Conquer, using arrays
77 |
78 | smallest3 :: Ord a => Show a => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) -> a
79 | smallest3 k (xa,ya) = search k (0,m+1) (0,n+1)
80 | where
81 | (0,m) = bounds xa
82 | (0,n) = bounds ya
83 | -- The below is actually writing smallest2, but using array notation!
84 | search k (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
85 | | lx==rx = ya ! ly -- x = []
86 | | ly==ry = xa ! lx -- y = []
87 | | otherwise = trace ("(lx,rx)=" ++ show (lx,rx) ++
88 | " and (ly,ry)=" ++ show (ly,ry) ++
89 | " and k=" ++ show k ++ "\n" ++
90 | " and (mx,my)=" ++ show (mx,my) ++
91 | " and (mx',my')=" ++ show (mx',my') ++
92 | "and (xa!mx,ya!my)=" ++ show(xa!mx,ya!my) )$
93 | case ( (xa!mx) < (ya!my), k <= mx'+my') of
94 | (True,True) -> trace "--> (1)" $ search k (lx,rx) (ly,my)
95 | (True,False) -> trace "--> (2)" $ search (k-mx'-1) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry)
96 | (False,True) -> trace "--> (3)" $ search k (lx,mx) (ly,ry)
97 | (False,False) -> trace "--> (4)" $ search (k-my'-1) (lx,rx) (my+1,ry)
98 | where
99 | mx = (lx + rx) `div` 2
100 | my = (ly + ry) `div` 2
101 | mx' = (rx - lx) `div` 2
102 | my' = (ry - ly) `div` 2
103 |
104 | -- Main
105 |
106 | main = do
107 | print $ "x=" ++ (show x)
108 | print $ "y=" ++ (show y)
109 | print $ "union (x,y)=" ++ (show $ union (x,y))
110 | print $ "Looking for element : " ++ (show k) ++ " (remember, indexing starts from 0)"
111 | putStr "Brute force : "
112 | print $ smallest1 k (x,y)
113 | putStrLn "Divide-and-Conquer (w/ lists) : "
114 | print $ smallest2 k (x,y)
115 | putStr "Divide-and-Conquer (w/ arrays): "
116 | print $ smallest3 k (xa,ya)