1 | {-
2 |
3 | Pearl 2: Surpassing
4 |
5 | Definitions:
6 | A surpasser of an element of an array (list) is a greater element to the right.
7 | x[j] is a surpasser of x[i] if i<j and x[i]<x[j].
8 | The surpasser count of an element is the number of its surpassers.
9 |
10 | Problem:
11 | Compute the maximum surpasser count of an array of length n>1 in an O(n log n) algorithm.
12 |
13 | Solution:
14 |
15 | Note 1: In the imperative programming, using iterative+binary search.
16 | We will use Divide and Conquer
17 |
18 | Note 2: Cannot do better than O(n log n), b/c this is equivalen to sorting (you will see:
19 | the table we create)
20 | -}
21 | module P2 where
22 |
23 | -- Test word is: GENERATION
24 | -- Surpasser count is: 5625140100
25 | -- So the maximum isL 6
26 | testX = "GENERATION" :: [Char]
27 |
28 | -- Maximum Surpasser Count
29 | -- Brute force approach
30 | -- Requires O(N^2) steps
31 | -- Goes on shrinking list of length n: n+(n-1)+(n-2)+.. = n^2/2
32 | msc :: Ord a => [a] -> Int
33 | msc xs = maximum [scount z zs | z:zs <- tails xs]
34 | scount x xs = length (filter (x<) xs)
35 |
36 | -- We'll redfine tails, to make sure empty returns empty
37 | tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
38 | tails [] = []
39 | tails (x:xs) = (x:xs):tails xs
40 |
41 | -- Divide and Conquer
42 | -- The trick is to find some 'data' that we can join together
43 | -- easily. Then we can divide, and then join.
44 | -- There are a few tricks to get to this 'join':
45 | -- 1. Define data structure that contains enough information. Then you can join them.
46 | -- This data structure is the table, that contains not only the Maximum Surpasser from
47 | -- each divide, but all the counts!
48 | -- 2. If we keep the Table in sorted order, the join can be done easily! (in Linear time)
49 |
50 | table [x] = [(x,0)] -- one element
51 | table xs = join' (m-n) (table ys) (table zs)
52 | where
53 | m = length xs
54 | n = m `div` 2
55 | (ys,zs) = splitAt n xs
56 |
57 | join' 0 txs [] = txs
58 | join' n [] tys = tys
59 | join' n txs@((x,c):txs') tys@((y,d):tys')
60 | | x<y = (x,c+n) : join' n txs' tys
61 | | x>=y = (y,d) : join' (n-1) txs tys'
62 | -- the lists are ordered within themselves.
63 | -- so if x<y ==> All the rest (and there's length n of tys) are also
64 | -- greater than x ==> we should add this count!
65 | -- if x>y, we just put y.
66 | -- if x==y, we just want to make sure we continue in reduced manner, so we put (y,d), remmove
67 | -- it from the next join, and then move on to continue.
68 |
69 | -- Main
70 |
71 | main = do
72 | putStr "Brute force : "
73 | print $ msc testX
74 | putStr "Divide and Conquer: "
75 | print $ maximum $ map (snd) (table testX)