Pearl 4: Selection problem
X and Y two finite disjoint sets, sorted.
Find the k-smallest elemnt in the set (X union Y)
You can do it of course in linear time O(K).
But it turns out you can do faster by divide and conquer.
The trick is to do the merge-decisions in the right way.
We then also use arrays rather than lists, to get efficency in time.
<== And this is where it seems the book messed up on indices. Corrected in my code.
I left all the debugging and printing in there, so one can see the equivalence between
Array-indices and Lists.
module P4 where
import Data.Array   (Array, listArray, bounds, (!))
import Debug.Trace
-- Test function(s)
x = [7,14..28]
y = [5,10..35]
k = 4 
y = [7,14..28]
x = [5,10..35]
--k = 4 
k = 7
xa = listArray (0,length x-1) x
ya = listArray (0,length y-1) y
-- Brute force
-- Requires (z+1)^2 evaluations of f
smallest1             ::     Ord a => Int -> ([a],[a]) -> a
smallest1 k (xs,ys)  =     union (xs,ys) !!k
union (xs,[])        =     xs
union ([],ys)        =     ys
union (x:xs,y:ys)    |    x < y     = x : union(xs,y:ys)
                    |     x > y     = y : union(x:xs,ys)
-- Divide and Conquer
smallest2 k ([],ws)    = ws !! k
smallest2 k (zs,[])    = zs !! k
smallest2 k (zs,ws)    =
    trace  ("zs=" ++ show zs ++
    "  and  ws=" ++ show ws  ++
    " and k=" ++ show k ++ "\n" ++
    " and (p,q)=" ++ show (p,q) ++
    "and (a,b)=" ++ show(a,b) )$
    case (a < b, k <= p+q) of
        (True,True)   -> trace "--> (1)" $ smallest2 k (zs,us)
        (True,False-> trace "--> (2)" $ smallest2 (k-p-1) (ys,ws)
        (False,True-> trace "--> (3)" $ smallest2 k (xs,ws)
        (False,False) -> trace "--> (4)" $ smallest2 (k-q-1) (zs,vs)
        p               = (length zs) `div` 2
        q               = (length ws) `div` 2
        (xs,a:ys)      = splitAt p zs
        (us,b:vs)      = splitAt q ws
-- Divide and Conquer, using arrays
smallest3             ::     Ord a => Show a => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) -> a
smallest3 k (xa,ya)    =     search k (0,m+1) (0,n+1)
                            (0,m) = bounds xa
                            (0,n) = bounds ya
                            -- The below is actually writing smallest2, but using array notation!
                            search k (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
                                | lx==rx     = ya ! ly     -- x = []
                                | ly==ry     = xa ! lx     -- y = []
                                | otherwise    =     trace  ("(lx,rx)=" ++ show (lx,rx) ++
                                                "  and  (ly,ry)=" ++ show (ly,ry)  ++
                                                " and k=" ++ show k ++ "\n" ++
                                                " and (mx,my)=" ++ show (mx,my) ++
                                                " and (mx',my')=" ++ show (mx',my') ++
                                                "and (xa!mx,ya!my)=" ++ show(xa!mx,ya!my) )$
                                                case ( (xa!mx) < (ya!my), k <= mx'+my') of
                                                (True,True)   -> trace "--> (1)" $ search k (lx,rx) (ly,my)
                                                (True,False-> trace "--> (2)" $ search (k-mx'-1) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry)
                                                (False,True-> trace "--> (3)" $ search k (lx,mx) (ly,ry)
                                                (False,False) -> trace "--> (4)" $ search (k-my'-1) (lx,rx) (my+1,ry)
                                                mx               = (lx + rx) `div` 2
                                                my               = (ly + ry) `div` 2
                                                mx'           = (rx - lx) `div` 2
                                                my'           = (ry - ly) `div` 2
-- Main
main = do
    print $ "x=" ++ (show x)
    print $ "y=" ++ (show y)
    print $ "union (x,y)=" ++ (show $ union (x,y))
    print $ "Looking for element : " ++ (show k) ++ " (remember, indexing starts from 0)"
    putStr "Brute force                   : "
    print $ smallest1 k (x,y)
    putStrLn "Divide-and-Conquer (w/ lists) : "
    print $ smallest2 k (x,y)
    putStr "Divide-and-Conquer (w/ arrays): "
    print $ smallest3 k (xa,ya)