Advanced Algorithms Honors





  1. Main course book: “Grokking Algorithms”, Aditya Y. Bhargava, 2016. ISBN 978-1617292231
  2. “Numerical recipes in C”, W. Press et. Al, 1992. We will mostly use Chapter 2 (Solution of linear algebraic equations) and Chapter 9 (Root finding). ISBN 978-0521431088
  3. “Pearls of functional algorithm design”, Richard Bird, 2010. We will mostly use chapters 18 and 19 dealing with Games-AI. ISBN 978-0521513388.



What we actually did 2018-2019:

  1. Numerical algorithms:
    1. Gauss Jordan elimination - Inverse matrix, solving set of equations.
    2. Numerical integration - Mid-point, Trapezoid, Simpson's rule (adaptive splitting), Adaptive quadrature
    3. Step-wise solution of PDE (trajectory)
  2. O(n) : Euler 461
  3. AI games
    1. 8Queens (--> 10, 12) - Enumeration, greedy.
    2. MineSweeper (!!)
  4. Various algorithms:
    1. Dijkstra
    2. Depth first, Breadth first.
    3. Maze
    4. shortest path on a grid, shortest path on a grid with obstacles.
  5. Dynamic programming: Recursion and table:
    1. Coins change
    2. Edit distance
    3. Game of 10
  6. Markov chains: Random words / text generator
    1. Simple histogram table for words (letters probability)
    2. Hash map for words probability


Course outline:

  1. Intro and setup. In class activity: Syllabus. Installation.
  2. Taxicab numbers: Exercise. Ramanujan and Hardy. [ github]

  3. Numerical alorithms : Introduction to algorithms
    1. Gauss-Jordan : Solution of system of equations.
      1. Gauss elimination: 2x2 ; General case.
      2. Gauss-Jordan: General case.
    2. Newton-Raphson : Finding the zero of a function.
    3. Time/memory : Closest sum exercise.

  4. Dynamic programming : String matching
    1. Levenshtein distance.
    2. Smith-Waterman algorithm.
    3. Exercises with dynamic programming:
      1. Exact change
      2. Partitioning a set of integers into two groups of equal sum

  5. Graph algorithms
    1. Graphs, and graph representation.
    2. Dijkstra : shortest distance.
    3. Minimu spanning trees
    4. Depth first/ breadth first traversal
    5. 8 queens problem



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Questions/Comments: Zbaharav at Kehillah dot Org or Zachi at Baharav dot Org .